Take the Profile of Emotional Competence Test to find out some of your strengths and weakness regarding your interpersonal and intrapersonal tendencies and behaviors.

The Profile of Emotional Competence (PEC) Test

The questions below are designed to provide a better understanding of how you deal with your emotions in daily life. Please answer each question spontaneously, taking into account the way you would normally respond. There are no right or wrong answers as we are all different on this level.

For each question, you will have to give a score on a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 meaning that the statement does not describe you at all or you never respond like this, and 5 meaning that the statement describes you very well or that you experience this particular response very often.

Male Female

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Interpreting my PEC Score

Scores for the PEC Test range from 1 to 5, with values closer to 5 representing a higher emotional competence and values closer to 1 representing a lower emotional competence. With every completion of the PEC Test, you will be provided with three different scores of emotional competence:

  1. The Global Emotional Competence (Global EC) Score which measures your overall emotional competence
  2. The Intrapersonal Emotional Competence (Intrapersonal EC) Score which measures your competence when dealing with your own emotions
  3. The Interpersonal Emotional Competence (Interpersonal EC) Score which measures your ability to deal with the emotions of others.